XR Show Spotlight Heritage Timișoara

The XR Show will include shows of digital technologies (augmented / virtual/mixed reality, holograms, interactive applications) and science (spectacular physics demonstrations, chemistry experiments for the 5 senses, the presentation of Timișoara's technical premieres), organized in the form of guided tours in the Experimentarium TM space and the UPT Museum, to empower citizens and tourists to turn their technological appetite into culture, heritage, and science.  Spotlight Heritage Timisoara increases the interest of the wider public in Timișoara’s historical neighbourhoods, marginal and neglected, by using guided tours and digital storytelling to empower locals and tourists to see, hear, feel, act, co-create and internalize the city.

Within these demonstrations, an interactive installation combines illustrations and documented stories, presented in a multiplied structure that overlaps print visuals with interactive spaces through touch screens, mobile applications, virtual reality (VR) and augmented (AR) applications.

The VR application will allow participants to visit, with the help of virtual reality glasses, four emblematic neighborhoods of Timisoara - Iosefin, Elisabetin, Fabric, and Cetate.

Starting from a panoramic, spectacular perspective of the city, participants will be able to "teleport" to the streets, parks, or public squares, visiting one of the dozens of landmarks documented in Spotlight Heritage Timișoara, through high-quality 360 images taken both outside and inside buildings.

Taking advantage of the interactions offered by VR technology, participants will learn about historical and architectural data and personal memories, from past and present of the people who lived in the neighbourhood. The application is bilingual, being available in both Romanian and English.

In parallel, the AR application will give everyone present the opportunity to test augmented and mixed reality technologies. Using special holographic glasses, the participants will interact both with the physical objects around them and to manipulate in real-time virtual heritage objects, obtained by 3D scans of the real ones from the collection of the National Museum of Banat.

All participants will receive the Spotlight Heritage Timisoara Cultural Passport, to collect points from all the SH events in 2023.

Participation is free and we welcome you at the Experimentarium și Muzeul UPT, Splaiul Spiru Haret, Timisoara.

Spotlight Heritage Timișoara / Patrimoniul sub reflectoare este o inițiativă culturală digitală a Universității Politehnica Timișoara, realizată în parteneriat cu Muzeul Național al Banatului, parte a Programului Cultural Timișoara 2023 Capitală Europeană a Culturii. Proiect cultural co-finanțat de Municipiul Timișoara prin Centrul de Proiecte, Consiliul Județean Timiș.

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Patrimoniul sub reflectoare Timisoara 2023

Patrimoniul sub reflectoare Timisoara 2023