Rock House Events is a company whose main activities are the organisation of cultural events and film production covering a wide range of activities in the image field such as presentation films, spots and TV clips, documentary and artistic films, both short and long. In the Romanian cultural landscape, the organisation has a special presence due to both its object of activity and its video productions made on the occasion of various events or developed through various projects in which it is involved.

Apart from the cultural component, Rock House Events is a structure of social economy which aims topics with social and socio-cultural impact: the engagement of young authors, as well as authors in a situation of social marginalisation in projects with socio-cultural impact with the aim of affirming personal values ​​and self-esteem; facilitating the exchange of ideas and initiatives with other promoters of projects with socio-cultural impact at European level; supporting and developing civil society; promoting programs to support the economic, social and cultural development of Romania, other member countries of the European Union, as well as the Black Sea countries, the Balkans and Eastern Europe; - supporting and developing projects in the field of visual arts and multimedia. Rock House Events is a social economy structure established in 2015 in order to promote and support the cultural act in all its manifestations, to encourage access to education and culture through the development of multidisciplinary projects including the area of ​​visual arts, written arts and multimedia.

The main cultural projects developed by Rock House Events and co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Identity are: "Word, speech, manuscript - about Eminescu and Constantin Noica at the time of celebration" and "Words and non-words - lyrics for the music of today", projects that celebrate the National Culture Days and the 2019 ACCES Year of the Book program.


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