FILTM - The Timișoara International Literature Festival

FILTM – The festival pays a tribute to Central and East European literature and, at the same time, to the city of Timișoara, which is an open gate, both towards the East and the West, a unique combination of cultures and a symbol of tolerance and multiculturalism in Romania.
Every year, during the festival days, round tables, prose and poetry readings and open discussions have taken place, with themes ranging from eastern and western cultural identities, past and present political issues to the experience of writing in a foreign language.

The organizers were honored to have an interesting mixture of well-known writers as guests, among whom: Slavenka Draculić (Croatia), Attila Bartis (Hungary), Jan Koneffke (Germany), Wladimir Arsenjiewich (Serbia) Yuri Andruchowich, (Ucraina) Viktor Erofeev (Russia), Edo Popović (Croatia), László Krasznahorkai (Hungary), Daša Drndić (Croatia), Ornela Vorspi (Albania), Cătălin Dorian Florescu (Swiss), György Dragomán (Hungary), Radka Denemarková (Czech Republic), Ljudmila Ulitskaya (Russia), Clara Usón (Spain), Adam Michnik, Oksana Zabushko. Well known Romanian writers (Mircea Cărtărescu, Gabriela Adameșteanu, Andrei Pleșu, Răzvan Petrescu, T.O. Bobe, Adriana Babeți, Cornel Ungureanu, Mircea Mihăieș, Filip Florian, Florin Lăzărescu, Cristian Tudor Popescu, Tatiana Țîbuleac a.o.) joined the foreign guests every year.

2023 the festival reaches its 12th edition. Between October 25 – 28 more than 25 authors (from Romania and 8 other countries) will meet the literature fans in Timișoara, Lugoj, Jimbolia and Sânnicolau Mare. For further details see our program.