The Echo of the Synagogues

The Echo of the Synagogues aims at giving national and European visibility to the tangible and intangible heritage of the Jewish community by means of newly created music works.

Renowned composer and violin virtuoso Alexander Bălănescu will work with hazzan Emanuel Pusztai in order to create a suite for voice and string quartet inspired by the rituals and practices of the Jewish life cycle, but also by the artist’s experience as a Jew in communist Romania.

The new compositions will be performed by the Bălănescu String Quartet in Timisoara. Alexander Bălănescu will record a musical work on solo violin, in the Fabric Synagogue, in order to keep alive the interest in this monument in a state of severe deterioration.

Using the unique context of visibility offered by the European Capital of Culture, the Pantograf Association further develops the initiative started in 2021 —through concerts— followed in 2022 by the digital route “The stories of the synagogues” with the aim of making the local community aware of its responsibility regarding the safeguarding of this heritage, part of the DNA of the multi-ethnic and multi-confessional Banat.

Acest proiect face parte din Programul cultural național „Timișoara – Capitală Europeană a Culturii în anul 2023” și este finanțat prin programul Grow Timișoara 2023, derulat de Centrul de Proiecte al Municipiului Timișoara, cu sume alocate de la bugetul de stat, prin bugetul Ministerului Culturii.