La taifas cu scriitorii

The event is part of the Taifas Literary Residency and is part of the Taifas - Balkan Film and Culture Festival, which will take place from 5-12 November in Timisoara.

Producers: Contrasens Cultural Association, Bad Unicorn

Funders: AFCN, Ministry of Culture through the Timisoara Project Centre

Project partners: Archeia Tainion tis Ellados Tainiothiki (Greece), Arte Urbana Collectif (Bulgaria), CRIES Association and "La Pas" Artisan Gastronomy Festival, Bacaci Sjenki / Shadow Casters (Croatia), Cinema Arta Cluj, Cinema Victoria Timișoara, Cinemateca Portuguesa (Portugal), CinEd, Casa Corpului Didactic Timiș, Filarmonica Banatul, FITT, Hotel Excelsior, iabilet. ro, French Institute, La Două Bufnițe Bookstore, Sakarya Film University (Turkey), West University of Timișoara

Media partners: Radio Guerrilla, Agerpres,, Observator Cultural, Știri de Timișoara, Ziarul Metropolis

Project co-funded by AFCN. The project is part of the National Cultural Programme "Timisoara - European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is funded by the European Echoes programme, implemented by the Timisoara City Project Centre, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the Ministry of Culture budget. The project does not necessarily represent the position of the funders. The funders are not responsible for the content of the project or how the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the grantee.

Part of

Taifas I Festival de Film, Artă și Cultură Balcanică

Taifas I Festival de Film, Artă și Cultură …