Atelier Interfoto

Passionate about photography and love Timisoara? You are in front of a special invitation - sign up for an analog photography workshop and explore the magic of film photography!

Ten participants will be selected and will each receive a disposable film camera, as well as all the instructions on how to use the device to its full potential and memorably document the events of the City Celebration. Guides for this workshop will be professors and students from the UVT Photo-Video Section. They will be there to guide and share their experience.

Afterwards, the footage will be developed, scanned and archived, and in October, students from the Photo-Video and Design sections of the Faculty of Arts and Design in Timisoara will transform these images into original content, using an AI editing program.

The creations will be part of the digital archive on the special platform InterFOTO 8.0 - InterGENERATIONAL, where all the results of the project will be exhibited.

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