"Carmen," based on the scandalous story written by Prosper Mérimée in 1845, brings to the stage a captivating fusion of Flamenco and contemporary dance. While the story has been adapted from the original version, its powerful essence remains intact, with Carmen at the center of a mix of complex and emotionally charged characters. Carmen, always portrayed as a self-sufficient woman who seeks the freedom to love whomever she wishes, contrasts sharply with Micaela, a character introduced to temper José's wild nature.
Moveo presents a dynamic performance where true love and human vices intertwine. The intense emotions of the main characters are explored freely, revealing a wide range of experiences: are they wicked, dependent, liberated, feminist, victims, innocent, exotic, criminal, or a complex combination of all these aspects? "Carmen" remains a performance steeped in irony and sarcasm, offering a deep and provocative experience.
Choreography: Dorian Mallia
Cast: Diane Portelli, Dorian Mallia, Charlotte Carpentier, Gabriele Farinacci, Cindelle Bouard, Irene Nocella, Giovanni Molendi
Music: Georges Bizet
Costume Design: Ritienne Zammit
Costume Execution: Doris Mallia
Duration: 50 minutes
DINAM Contemporary Dance Season - 4th edition is a project aimed at strengthening and making contemporary dance more accessible as a relevant form of artistic expression, along with its related events, within the cultural landscape of the city of Timișoara.
Co-financiers: FITT, Iulius Town, French Institute Timișoara
Partners: Basca Theater, West City Radio, Cărturești, iabilet.ro