In a visual world where both the characters (human or puppets) and the scenery are made from recycled newspapers, three different stage situations are created that deal with topics such as war and dictatorship, the right to expression, abuse and the spiral of silence. Seeking answers to questions such as who we are in relation to what we communicate with each other, with our sensitive subjects, what animates us, what moves us? Who are we without communication tools? Eszter Tompa will build five scenes in a surreal, fantastical world created from newspapers. Each scene will investigate a different topic from those listed above, inspired by contemporary reality and the theme of communication will encompass all five moments.
The scenographic choice of a world of newspapers suggests the universe of information to which we are daily subjected. Information (or the lack of it) a very powerful tool that can give rise to real monsters or create miraculous rescue solutions is omnipresent in our everyday reality, regardless of the individual social status of each one. The artistic team of the project will be formed by Eszter Tompa (actress and director), Andreea Bolovan (puppeteer and actress), Magor Bocsárdi (musician). The two actresses (Eszter Tompa and Andreea Bolovan) will take turns performing both different doll characters, but also human characters that arise from this world of newspapers. The show will be mostly non-verbal with small text insertions where the situations call for it. They will be used in addition to scenery and characters created from newspapers/newspaper textures and video projections with video projector and/or overhead projector. Starting from the theme of the right to free expression and having as a source of inspiration the book The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt, Eszter Tompa will transform the stage into an immersive space, using lights in/toward the audience to engage the audience.
This project is part of the national cultural program "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023" and was funded through Energie! Burse de Creație grant by the City of Timisoara, through the Center for Projects.