Guided Tours HU | Chronic Desire - Sete Cronică

Guided group tours will be organized every weekend, free of charge, in different languages: Romanian, English, Hungarian, German, Romanian, Serbian, Ukrainian, and Romanian sign language.

The tours will explore the three narrative threads of the exhibition: Common Goods - Territories - History and Subjectivities, which intertwine in the four exhibition spaces in Timișoara, namely the Bastion "Maria Theresia", the Timișoara Garrison Command, the Public Transport Museum "Corneliu Miklosi" and the Ștefania Palace.

Advance booking is not required, but capacity is limited.

For individual guided tours, please contact the cultural mediator personally: [email protected]


Guided tour in Hungarian

Museum of Public Transport "Corneliu Miklosi" - 25.02, 18:00
Stefania Palace - 04.03, 18:00
Timișoara Garrison Command - 11.03, 18:00
Bastion "Maria Theresia" - 18.03, 18:00

Cultural mediators

Szabó Andor - Hungarian language
Szabó Andor is a visual artist, PR and designer at the Hungarian Theatre Timișoara, working with drawing and collage media, photography and video. He has a BA and an MA from UVT in visual arts, specializing in graphic design. Ever since 2018, he also graduated with a PhD in visual arts.

Part of

Chronic Desire - Sete cronică Main group exhibition

Chronic Desire - Sete cronică Main group exhibition