Mădălina Căuneac @Strada Fără Nume

During the Spoken Word performance poet Mădălina Căuneac, together with musicians Csaba Santa (bass), Marcelle-David Poaty (keyboards) and Emanuel Kui (drums), will combine elements of poetry, storytelling, theater and music to create a captivating and intriguing experience in a unique art form.

Mădălina Căuneac debuted at OMG publishing house in 2022 with her poetry book Crisalidă, from which she used different poems to create performative concepts in collaboration with Florentin Popa, Cenaclub, Strada fără Nume and SWORDS on different stages - both in the country and abroad (ICR London). The thematic areas around which he gravitates are nature/eco-poetry (which forms the core of a forthcoming new volume), emotional development, social justice and cottagecore aesthetics and light academia. He is currently collaborating with other authors on the first Romanian spoken word anthology, which will be available on the Voxa platform - called Poetry Riot. A Romanian spoken word anthology.

For the event on August 17 she will prepare a performance based on unpublished personal poems, as well as on poems extracted from the book Sutta (by Florentin Popa), published this year by OMG Publishing.

The event is part of the Strada Fără Nume - a project that supports artistic research and the development of artists' skills through co-production, cooperation, interdisciplinarity and exchange of experience in the musical and literary fields.

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