Minitremu Art Camp #8: Food, Art with Noemi Hügel and Ana Kun

Food, art. with Hügel and Kun is a workshop in two parts. In the first part, Hügel coordinates a vegan dinner in the Greenfeel garden, based mostly on ingredients donated by community gardeners, following the workshop with landscape architects Alex Ciobota and Raluca Rusu. 

During dinner preparation, food sources (garden, market, store, etc.) and food policies (food base, food waste, foraging, greenwashing, etc.) are discussed. One of the goals of this workshop is to practically learn new, simple, inexpensive, versatile and nutritious recipes that include vegetables, leaves, flowers, grains, flours and spices. 

In the second part, Kun presents in detail several art installations (local and international) based on vegan food, an opportunity for discussions about what art is and can be, how we can organize around the table, what is the invisible work in the field art, what we can communicate through the food we prepare for others, how we can form communities on horizontal structures of solidarity, etc. The overall aim of the workshop is to whet the appetite of the participants for the practical and activist side of contemporary art.

Noemi Hügel and Ana Kun nurture a long friendship and collaboration, initially literary, currently culinary-artistic. The most important installation of the two is (...) spoils my appetite / (...) spoils my appetite, about what provides us comfort and what cuts our appetite. The installation was commissioned for the exhibition Chronic desire / Sete cronica, (curators Cosmina Goagea, Corina Oprea, Brîndușa Tudor).

Minitremu Art Camp is a yearly contemporary art camp intended for theoretical, real or vocational high school students and students in their first years of college.


Noemi Hügel (b. 1985) is a chef. She cooks recipes that are sometimes invented, sometimes not, always with the season in mind. The market is not far from either her kitchen or her food. She's into cookies and parsley (and alliteration). She graduated from the Faculty of Letters with an MA in creative writing, studies that now help her approach cooking both playfully and thoroughly, writing epic shopping lists. Since 2017, she has been cooking in the Embassy and enjoys feeding and surprising those around her. She often runs cooking workshops based on sustainable practices, anti-waste, low budget and/or limited access to resources.

Ana Kun (b.1981) is a visual artist. Member of two collectives, she is ⅓ from Balamuc and ¼ from Zephyr. He graduated from the faculty of visual arts and a master's degree in creative writing. In recent years she is increasingly interested in local history in a colonial context, in the invisible work in the field of art and in developing a practice based on interdisciplinary collaborations that produce socially relevant results.

This project is part of the national cultural programme "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in the year 2023" and is funded by the City of Timișoara, through the Center for Projects.

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