Minitremu Art Camp #8: Magical Ecology with Nita Mocanu

Magical Ecology Workshop. About defamiliarization, strange stories, charms and ecology.

"The workshop was thought as a detour from art education through meditation towards speculative realism (contemporary philosophy) through the practice of creating objects with a magical intention towards ecology. I chose this strange tangle of ideas and practices to reach an area of ambiguity of the perception of immediate human reality and the awareness of the presence of the reality of non-human beings, ambiguity then turned on all sides through exercises in creative writing, drawing and sewing. I specifically chose sewing because of the effort it requires of concentration and visualization (tactile sensory), to which I also added pressure to the intention pursued through the amulet/textile object made. From the beginning to the end the game between the self-concentration as a living body, the awareness of the ambience and the environment and the artistic practice as ecology was subtly maintained through the steps followed as stages of a slow pedagogy process. Slow pedagogies take into account the pace of each participant in education, they develop around the idea of meeting the world and meeting yourself in this world/relationship with the world, focusing on the body and its awareness as part of the world, a in-depth knowledge with all the risks that they involve, the choice of methods adapted to the context without the constraint of quickly quantifiable results, they are ecological and aim towards sustainability, of often alternative strategies."- Nita Mocanu

Minitremu Art Camp is a yearly contemporary art camp intended for theoretical, real or vocational high school students and students in their first years of college.


Nita Mocanu (b.1977) is a visual artist, high school art teacher and cultural manager. Her artworks are related to themes in social psychology, education, ecology and contemporary philosophy (new materialism). The preferred mediums are contemporary poetry, photography, video art and installation. Since 2012, he has been a professor of Computerized Image Processing at the "Sabin Drăgoi" College of Arts in Arad, a discipline that he has rethought and built a series of projects and activities for teenagers. She is the founder of the Doar Maine Association for art, new technologies, ecology and community. Short selection of locations and events: Art Encounters Foundation, Timișoara, Borderline Art Space, Iasi; Arad Art Museum; OK Center for Contemporary Art Austria, Linz; Műcsarnok Budapest; ODD Gallery, Bucharest; Tranzit House, Cluj; CreArt Europe, Network of Cities for Artistic Creation, Kaunas LT, Kristiansand NO, Aveiro, PT; Media Art Festival Arad; Contemporary Art Biennale Art Encounters Timișoara; Liminal Art/Science/Technology Festival; The New Dictionary of Old Ideas: AiR program MeetFactory Prague, CZ.

This project is part of the national cultural programme "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in the year 2023" and is funded by the City of Timișoara, through the Center for Projects.

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