Post-education Conference

Through the Post-education conference, we try to bring to the fore critical and theoretical approaches about contemporary education, through topics such as: philosophies and theories of education; critical approaches to the educational system (legislation, practices, curriculum, case studies, etc.); contemporary pedagogies of education; critical approaches to formal, non-formal or informal education; speculative approaches about the future of education; the process versus the product of education; other topics that bring to the fore contexts and situations related to contemporary education.

Education in the post-internet, post-humanism, post-truth era

  • The whole meaning of the post-education concept derives its origin from the prefix "post-" and was inspired by several similar concepts circulated mainly in the last 20 years: post-digital, post-internet, post-humanism, post-truth. These four concepts refer to 3 aspects of contemporaneity:

Assimilation of new technologies.

  • In art, but not only, postdigital refers to the "humanization" process of new technologies, while post-internet refers to the fact that new technologies have already been assimilated, the internet is no longer a novelty but a state of mind. Postdigital is an older term, associated more with the cohort of non-digital natives and therefore has developed a more critical approach towards new technologies, on the other hand, post-internet is a recent term, used more by digital natives and implies a vision more organically (especially from an affective and spiritual point of view) on new technologies.

The objectification of non-anthropocentrism

  • Posthumanism is a concept used in philosophy and other humanistic disciplines through which anthropocentrism is overcome by or assimilated to a new vision, justified by the concretization and materialization of certain states of fact such as: the negative impact of man on the environment, the urgency of mitigating global warming and the loss biodiversity, the emergence of artificial intelligence, neurotechnology, intelligent prosthetics and bioengineering, as well as new discoveries in animal cognition and the moral implications of these discoveries.

Trivialization and distortion of legitimizing the truth

  • Post-truth is a concept popularized since 2016 after the results of Brexit and the US presidential elections, which refers to the negative impact of disinformation and propaganda on public opinion and society in general through the use of the Internet and especially social networks. Although the term "post-truth policies" existed before 2016, after the events of this year, the concept of post-truth refers strictly to the vulnerability of access to information through fake news, conspiracy theories and the mediating of fabricated controversies and other ways of manipulating and influencing the masses specific to communication based on the Internet and social networks.

Post-education can also refer to postmodernity, the failed or spent project of modernity in terms of formal education.

  • It should be noted that, in this context, "POST" does not strictly refer to SOMETHING (an event, a stage, a technology, a practice, a property, etc.) that has passed and disappeared, but to the PASSED MOMENT when  THAT something was new, was important, was fashionable, brought a new perspective, etc. "Post" suggests that "internet", "humanism" and "truth" have become assimilated, eroded, lost in the background or become something too common, as perhaps happened with education.


  • 10:00 Marius Stoica and Nita Mocanu - Opening speech

Pedagogies of the 21st century

Keynote speaker:

  • 10:15 - 10:45
    Prof. Dr. Gila Kolb Research Didactics of the Arts, Schwyz University of Teacher Education, Switzerland
    Have we ever been digital? Reflections on a post-digital art education / online, en


  • 10:45 - 11:15
    University Lect. Dr. Mihaela Constantinescu, Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Bucharest
    Post-Bots & the techno://moral future of education
  • 11:15 - 11:45
    Prof. Dr. Mihaela Frunză, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, UBB Cluj
    Post-education and philosophy with children


  • 11:45 - 12:15
    University Lect. Adrian Moleavin, University of Architecture and Urbanism "Ion Mincu" Bucharest
    The science of complexity as a meme of post-education
  • 12:15 - 12:45
    Annika Rohde - Create Your World, Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria
    Ars Electronica - U19, Create Your World, EN
  • 12:45 - 13:15 Break

Contemporary philosophies of pedagogy

  • 13:15 - 13:45
    Prof. Dr. Ciprian Mihali, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, UBB Cluj
    The economy of attention and voluntary ignorance in the post-truth era
  • 13:45 - 14:15
    Mihai Fuiorea, Teacher "Decebal" Theoretical High School Bucharest
    About education and authority
  • 14:15 - 14:45
    Doru Căstăian, author, teacher "Dimitrie Cuclin" Galati High School of Arts
    Education and training in the virtual era


  • 14:45 - 15:15
    Sam Bunn, artist, Linz, Austria
    A Sketch of a Dream of Post Education in Liberty Square, online, en

The project is co-funded by the Arad Museum Complex.

The project is part of the National Cultural Programme "Timisoara - European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is funded by the Municipality of Timisoara through the Project Centre.

Part of

Post education. Pedagogies of the crisis 2023

Post education. Pedagogies of the crisis 2023