Răzvan Stoicovici @Strada Fără Nume

During the Spoken Word performance, poet Răzvan Stoicovici, together with musicians Csaba Santa (bass), Marcelle-David Poaty (keyboards) and Emanuel Kui (drums), will combine elements of poetry, storytelling, theater and music to create a captivating and intriguing experience in a unique art form.

Born in 2000 in Timisoara, Răzvan Stoicovici is a poet and performer. With a background in history, he became a guide and went into teaching. He is a member of Cenacl Pavel Dan and published on several online platforms, such as Omiedesemne, Haimanale literare, Noise Poetry, Literomania, Planeta Babel and in magazines such as Familia, Orizont and Arca. He has presented public reading performances at the Ion Monoran, Street Delivery and Nameless Street festivals. She also read at the 287th edition of the Blecher Institute and received a mention in the 2024 Literary Network competition.

The event is part of the Strada Fără Nume - a project that supports artistic research and the development of artists' skills through co-production, cooperation, interdisciplinarity and exchange of musical and literary experience.



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