Spotlight Heritage Timișoara 2023 NFT Collection - NFT I

To bring value to Timisoara's digital and cultural ecosystem and based on the previous experience, Politehnica University of Timisoara launches in February 2023, for the first time in the Romanian academic landscape, the NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) | Spotlight Heritage - Timisoara2023. The university initiated actions on the adoption of blockchain technologies in education and creative industries, in 2020, also as part of the "EBSI4RO: Connecting Romania through Blockchain" project, included in European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI). These NFTs will be available for download only in 2023.

Spotlight Heritage TM2023 NFT I

Technology is what connects the past to the future and the future to the past. MECIPT-1 (Timişoara Polytechnic Institute Electronic Computer) is the first "computer" created by a Romanian university, on March 25, 1961, which programmed the design of large-scale building structures by using punch tapes to store and insert data. The first phrase successfully translated from English to Romanian, in real time, was "You explain the development of science and we help describe the examples" and was made by MECIPT-1 on May 17, 1962.

What defines the image of this NFT is the intersection between machine code, human language and the perseverance of a team of professors, researchers and students from the Politehnica University of Timisoara. An institution that successfully positioned itself in the technological vanguard of the 60s and that today continues to explore the technological boundaries towards a better and more sustainable future. This NFT is the first from the Spotlight Heritage Timisoara 2023, collection, a project at the crossover between artistic practices, heritage valorisation and digital technology.

Created by: Politehnica University of Timisoara & National Museum of Banat
Artist: Marius Jurca

This project is part of the national cultural programme "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in the year 2023" and is funded by the City of Timișoara, through the Center for Projects.

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Patrimoniul sub reflectoare Timisoara 2023

Patrimoniul sub reflectoare Timisoara 2023