"Timișoara. The Secret Map: People and Places", followed by "dialogues rolled in chocolate"

Screenings "Timișoara. The Secret Map: People and Places": " The Sweet Fortress" and "Caffeine on Bega" followed by "dialogues rolled in chocolate" with the "Secret Map" team and guests.

During the festive closing weekend of the Timisoara 2023 - European Capital of Culture programme, on Saturday afternoon between 4:00 and 7:00 pm, at the Victoria Cinema, spectators are invited for a coffee, a sweet and a story with Adriana Babeți and her guests, around three episodes of the already established series "Timisoara. The secret map: people and places", which explores the forgotten, unknown but impressive histories of the city and brings to the public's attention some of Timișoara's special people.

Starting at 16:00, "Caffeine on the Bega" captures some spectacular moments in Timisoara's café history, marking several firsts from around the country today. These include the operation of the first Turkish café (1560), and the invention of the espresso machine by Timisoara's Francesco Illy, which has a fascinating life story. The two episodes are 60 minutes in total and will be screened one after the other.

A 30-minute intermission follows where viewers are invited to enjoy a coffee and something sweet in the foyer of the cinema with the Secret Map and Cinema Victoria teams.

The programme continues with the latest episode of the documentary series, "The Sweet Fortress", which starts with the story of the sweet model of Timișoara given in 1716 in Vienna to the liberating Prince Eugen of Savoy, and then reconstructs the history of the art of confectionery in Timișoara until today (from Kandia to the Italian chocolate artisans of today); the story continues by reconstructing the history of the art of confectionery in Timișoara.

The screening will be followed by a discussion with Adriana Babeți and her guests.

Access to the event is free, by reservation in link.

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TM on Screen, TM on Scene: Reflect. Connect. Play

TM on Screen, TM on Scene: Reflect. Connect. …