VanDerCris | JAZZx

VanDerCris is an incredible combination of musicians: A young, optimistic bassist, mature in his clear thinking – Dănuț Blaga; an alert keyboardist with a sense of harmony – Marcelle Poaty Souami; a rock and pop drummer with music producer skills – Florin Cvasa; a visitor from distant planets on his way to infinity – Lucian Nagy; a guitarist whose name is convoluted and anagrammed – VanDerCris (Horea CrisoVan).

Horea Silvio Crișovan was a guitarist in the bands Cardinal Neurotica, Blazzaj, Acum, and is currently part of the projects VanDerCris, TM Groove, Pro Musica and Abra. He has played with his fusion projects opening for world-class artists such as Eberhard Weber, Jean Luc Ponty, Scott Henderson, Mike Stern, Victor Wooten, Federico Malaman, Yellow Jackets and from 1995 to the present he has played in duet with Ilie Stepan. He currently works as a music producer and composer.

The VanDerCris project, initiated by Horea Crișovan three years ago, will be present at JAZZx.

JAZZx is part of the National Programme “Timisoara – European Capital of Culture” and is funded by the Timis County Council. Organised by the National Museum of Banat, produced and developed by PLAI Cultural Centre.

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