Woven Secrets – Neighborhood Festival

Have you ever wondered if you are part of a strong, tight-knit community around the neighborhood where you live?

A strong neighborhood community means a vibrant environment, a better quality of life and more resilience for its residents. People in close-knit communities enjoy safety and mutual support; they can share resources, socialize and better organize their living space.

The project Interwoven Secrets - Neighborhood Laboratory takes the opportunity of the upcoming demolition of the 1 Iunie knitting factory (FABER's neighbors) to weave a story about the identity of this former industrial neighborhood, a symbol of Timișoara.  They will collect memories of the people of the neighborhood (objects, photos, stories) to enrich the urban history with the social texture and the invisible links between people.

On August 17, connect the past with the present by organizing a one-day festival in the neighborhood, where they will use old objects from the former 1 Iunie factory to strengthen community spirit and discuss the neighborhood's past, present and future. Festival participants will create new objects with neighborhood partners under the guidance of a curator. They will be able to take part in a series of workshops that will re-enact the routine of a day in the life of the neighborhood workers (work, food, music, future, activities with children):

  • 3D printing workshop with Lapsus, 12:00 - 14:00;
  • Waeste Wear workshop 10:00 - 12:00;
  • Eco-friendly candle workshop with OilRight 10:30 - 11:30;
  • Jakab Toffler House Workshop 10:00 - 14:00;

Throughout the event, participants will be able to enjoy a musical program with local artists and DJs, as well as a working picnic. 

The results of the collection and co-creations from the festival workshops will be presented in the Woven Secrets exhibition. It will give the people of the neighborhood a mirror of the current community and the general public a glimpse of what an industrial neighborhood in Timisoara has meant and how it developed.

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Secrete Întrețesute—Laborator de cartier