Cristina Bordeanu is a young, independent actress and a graduate of the Faculty of Theatre and Film, UBB, Cluj-Napoca.

Cristina wrote, conceptualized, and thought about her one-woman show, "The True Story of Spân (Glabrous)", a show that combines the archaic universe of Romanian fairy tales with contemporary revisions of symbolic characters. Here she explores the rehabilitation of the antagonistic character from the “Harap-Alb” story to discuss about human nature and borders between good and bad. The show is being independently toured around the country in locations such as Cluj, Brașov, Bucharest, Târgu Mureș and Oradea.

She collaborated with Texte Bune În Locuri Nebune ( Good Texts in Crazy Places Association) and the Magic Puppet Company. She has also organized and moderated SPOKEN WORD POETRY events in Brașov and Cluj-Napoca.

Cristina thinks that the greatest force of a human is to give and to believe.


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