The Lighthouse

The Lighthouse is the home of The Night-Art Festival, the place where it starts and where we bring it all together. You come here if you want to know more about us, about the artists, about the guests, about the installations and events, but also if you want to see us, the ones who make this festival possible.

And because a house is meant to be full of life, people, light, we chose a central building, accessible, where you can easily get to, and we organize various activities here, each bringing with it a unique perspective on light and encouraging interaction, education and creativity.

We want this space to come to life, to become the cultural and educational heart of the Lights On community.

We envisioned it as an innovative learning center where young people and adults will be able to explore the fascinating world of light through a series of guided tours, educational interventions, interactive exhibitions and photography classes. Then, as an immersive gallery, where the lights dance and tell unique stories, as light art installations and captivating projections will transform the space into a labyrinth of light and vibrant images. In addition, its café space will host debates and live performances centered around light, forming a vibrant community of light enthusiasts.

The Lighthouse is undoubtedly a sanctuary of light and creativity, where you are invited to discover, learn and connect with others through the activities offered in this inspirational space.

This project is part of the national cultural program “Timișoara – European Capital of Culture” in 2023 and is funded through the LightFest + program, carried out by the Timis County Center for Culture and Art, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

Acest proiect face parte din Programul Cultural Național „Timișoara – Capitală Europeană a Culturii în anul 2023” și este finanțat prin programul LightFest+, derulat de Centrul de Cultură și Artă al Județului Timiș, cu sume alocate de la bugetul de stat, prin bugetul Ministerului Culturii.