The Non-Formal College Experiment

The Sensorial Theater invites students from two Timisoara high schools to a transformative and creative experience within the non-formal High School Experiment project.
40 students will have the opportunity to participate in a 6-week artistic process from March to June, where they will work together to build their own Sensory Theater show.
The co-creation process will be coordinated by Sebastian Dobrescu, the president of the Sensorial Theater in Timișoara. The experience will be fun, engaging, but also important for the students' development.
During the 6 weeks, the students will participate in a program composed of at least 13 meetings, where they will be trained in the Sensory Theater method. The method is rich in its potential for non-formal and experiential education, being already appreciated by hundreds of young people from Timișoara, as well as from outside the country.
Together with the students, they will be trained in non-formal education techniques using the sensory theater method and employees of the participating high schools and 30 youth workers, to support the professional development of people involved in the evolution of young people.

This project is part of the national cultural programme "Timișoara European Capital of Culture in the year 2023" and is financed by the Power Station+ program | Creative schools, run by the Center for Projects Timișoara, with amounts allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.