Baroque Reloaded

The BAROQUE RELOADED project, organized by the National Museum of Art Timișoara, proposes to explore the cultural heritage of Banat through innovative forms of contemporary art situated at the intersection between Baroque formal principles and new synesthetic artistic genres, mediated by technology (multimedia installations, site-specific interventions, participatory activities, etc.) capable of transforming the permanent collections and the Baroque architecture of the Palace into an empire of senses and experiences dedicated to an active viewer who will interact and immerse in an extended monumental show, integrated into the museum's curatorial itinerary.

BAROQUE RELOADED starts from July 23rd to September 17th, 2023, with the presentation of the installation I, HUMAN by Saint Machine. From September 18th to November 30th, 2023, I, Human will be succeeded by a series of multimedia works such as "Incremental God," already exhibited in prestigious international exhibitions, as well as new video works, such as "Emotional Sediments," "Feast," or "Her Voice," created by Saint Machine in collaboration with artist Sergiu Negulici and composer Mitoș Micleușanu.

BAROQUE RELOADED will continue until December with a gradual series of specialized events created by the museum team in collaboration with local artists and the general public. In participatory workshops, they will explore the heritage using state-of-the-art technological tools, presented for the first time in Romanian museums, which will facilitate understanding the connection between science and art in the perspective of research, conservation, restoration, and valorization of museum heritage using contemporary means.

BAROQUE RELOADED is a multi-year project funded by the Timiș County Council through the Timișoara ECOC 2023 programme.