Casa Jakab Toffler | With Open Doors

Casa Jakab Toffler invites you to a series of events which have as their theme the nature, the housing and the built environment, three topics that inspire most of the activities proposed by this association from the Fabric district.
The series of events aims to boost social dynamics, the neighborhood's sense of belonging and promote the material and immaterial heritage of the Fabric district.
It's a micro "nedeia" or "prayer" of the Jakab Toffler House, a custom with traditional roots that celebrates communities.
Friday, October 6, 7-22 pm
Opening Woman Without Hand, Monotremu & Alexandru Ciobotă
Conceived in the form of an artistic installation, the work Woman Without Hand is the result of a multidisciplinary research that brings together a study on the changes in the spontaneous flora of the Bega Meadow and the study of the urban transformations in the recent history of the Fabric district.
The research starts from the Woman with Grapes statue, in the Academician Corneliu Mikloși square.
Saturday, October 7, 7-22 pm:
Social Fabric research and creation residencies: Presentations by Vasile Leac and Vlad Marko Tollea
Presentations and discussions with the poet Vasile Leac, author of several volumes of poems and founding member of the literary group Celebrul animal and of the magazine Ca și Cum, and journalist Vlad Marko Tollea, contributor to several publications including Libertatea, Vice and Mindcraft Stories.
The two guests are part of the creative and research residencies project, Social Fabric, which proposes new forms of social interaction, in direct relation with the concept of housing, from its physical dimension to the symbolic one.
Sunday, October 8, 7-22 pm
Documentary Film Screenings: The Venice Syndrome and Rent Rebels, followed by discussions with guests from Bloc Zero
The Venice Syndrome | Andreas Pichler | Germany, Italy, Austria | 2012 | 80 min
Venice is pure romance, the favorite destination of all Europeans, the dream of all Americans, the desire of all Japanese. Venice is where mass tourism meets sophistication, for here even the most critical of people become euphoric.
The city had twenty million visitors last year, an average of sixty thousand a day, and this year the number will increase again. But this number must be compared with the fifty thousand inhabitants, a number which decreases as the city becomes uninhabitable. As it stands now, by 2030 there will be no Venetians left as the city is nothing more than a nightmare for its inhabitants.
The film depicts a city with a still glamorous facade, while reporting the great exodus and the remnants of Venetian life: its subculture of workers in the tourism industry; porters, backpackers from Piazza San Marco, hotel porters; people who are forced to move to the mainland because they can no longer afford the rent.
This film tells the story of life trapped under the enormous pressure of mass tourism, an industry that devours the very basis of its survival.
Rent Rebels | Gertrud Schulte Westenberg, Matthias Coers | Germany | 2014 | 78 min
The film is a kaleidoscope of the struggles of Berlin tenants against their relocation from neighborhood communities. From Berlin's town hall occupation to a camp in Kottbusser Tor, organized eviction prevention and seniors' fights for their community center and age-appropriate apartments, a new urban protest movement is growing.
Co-organizer: Minitremu Association. With the support of the Association of Owners Constantin Titel Petrescu no. 4
Partners: Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism Timișoara (FAUT), Sc ONETWO TAPROOM S.R.L, Art Basics for Children (ABC Brussels), PARADAIZ, Bloc Zero, Frilensăr.Ro Association, Terra!, The Institute for Aesthletics (USA), Ordinul Arhitectilor din Romania - Timis territorial branch, Centrul Dialectic Association, Citizens' Association of Traian, Sc. Rion's Delices srl., ISCOADA Association, Warriors Sportive Club Association Timișoara, Timișoara Supporters Association "Druckeria, High School No. 1, W.Shakespeare High School, J.L.Calderon Theoretical High School, Typopassage TM, (open list)
Media partners: Timișoara Today, ISCOADA, Scena9, West City Radio (open list)
Social Fabric is part of the national cultural program "Timișoara - European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is financed by the Grow Timișoara 2023 program, run by the Project Center of the Municipality of Timișoara, with amounts allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

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Social fabric