Minitremu Art Camp 8: Reptilians - Find Your Inner Reptilian with Delia Popa

Let's crawl into a new world together! What if we had a reptilian quality? What if we were lazy like snakes, fast like lizards or deadly like crocodiles? Extinct like the dinosaurs? What would it be like if our legs disappeared? What if we did some legless exercises? No hands? Or if we had some very heavy weights that would press us like a shell? What if we did a species change operation? Which species/species would we choose? Would we dare to show each other what we would like to become? And could we enact these desires together? What would a world where we were all mixed-species look like? I propose that we meet in the middle of our dark or less dark fantasies of a future world where interspecies exchange is possible and where our human form will be superseded.

We will use all the props and technological means at our disposal to test some possible mixed forms of existence and coexistence, presented in possible performative moments. (Alternative means of locomotion).

Minitremu Art Camp is a yearly contemporary art camp intended for theoretical, real or vocational high school students and students in their first years of college.


Delia POPA  is one of the most relevant contemporary Romanian artists of her generation. Her feminist art includes painting, drawing and prints, installation, video and performance, taking up important topics such as gender relations, power relations and the human-animal relationship. She is the co-founder and leader of ArtCrowd – Artists in Education, an arts organization committed since 2013 to creating positive change in society via art and education.

 POPA received a Master of Fine Arts in Painting and Drawing from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, a Postgraduate Diploma in Fine Art from Goldsmiths College, University of London, and both a Master in Visual Arts and a Bachelor of Arts in Painting from The National University of Arts Bucharest. She also expanded her research into the field of Arts Management and obtained a Doctor in Philosphy in Arts Management from Lucian Blaga University in Sibiu, Romania.

Her involvement with animal rights activism and her commitment to social justice have been informing her activity as an art educator, cultural mediator, as well as her studio practice. Her mediums include painting, drawing, installation and performance, as potential tools for social intervention. The choice of allegorical characters, as well as the drive to explore cross-disciplinary methods and various Western and Eastern modes of representation, testify to the unique blend of artistic, social, and diplomatic roles POPA is assuming in her work.

She has been awarded numerous international residencies including artist in residence at Q21/MuseumsQuartier, Vienna, Austria (2018), index Freiraum, Zurich, Switzerland (2015), Bains Connective, Brussels, Belgium (2012), Romanian Cultural Institute in Venice, Italy (2010) and in Paris, France (2009).

Delia POPA's work has been shown in numerous national and international group exhibitions, screening and performance events, including at Kunsthalle Bega, Timisoara (2021), The National Museum of Contemporary Art/MNAC, Bucharest (2020/2015/2013/2005), WASP, Bucharest (2018), at Lateral ArtSpace, Paintbrush Factory, Cluj, Romania (2017/2016), atat Advanced Performance and Scenography Studies/a.pass, Brussels, Belgium (2012), at General Public, Berlin, Germany (2011), at The 5th Video Art Biennial in Tel Aviv, Israel (2010), and at Selby Gallery, Ringling College of Art and Design, Sarasota, Florida, USA (2008).

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