The Entuziart Association is a non-governmental and non-political organization, whose main aim (mission) is to promote and support individuals of all ages in creative and artistic activities such as painting, dance, and music. These activities have recreational, social, educational, and therapeutic benefits. The association also offers psychological support through art therapy methods (dance and painting) and psychotherapy, and promotes art therapy in Romania.

In 2021, the association collaborated with Indie Box SRL to implement the project Ship of Fools (co-funded by AFCN). The association laid the groundwork for a partnership with the Special School of St. Nicholas and the University of Bucharest for the Emotions Through Color project, submitted in 2021 to the Community Foundation's call for proposals. The project was later selected for funding in 2022 and successfully executed from February to July. In partnership with the same school, the association initiated the Open Hearts project, funded by Kaufland through the Wellbeing Program.

In 2021, the Entuziart Association became a partner in the MindMoving project. The year 2022 was also marked by the implementation, with the support of the Timișoara Projects Center, of various projects including Multimodal Interventions for Stimulating Body Awareness, Emotions Through Color, and Open Hearts, as well as winning the AFCN Outsider Amnio Art project


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